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  • Writer's pictureGranth Naik

Error</1/> Elements of Life

Updated: Jan 29, 2023


I often ask this question to myself, what is life exactly ?. The google definition of life is 'The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, REPRODUCTION(HEHEHE), functional activity, and continual change preceding death'. Well they are not wrong, but can we really define 'Life' what is the main purpose of this undefined life. The human race has created nuclear weapons, various technology but we still don't know what life is exactly.

</Life is a story of all genres./>

Now we have a choice what to do with this life, you can either pick up the pen and write your own story or else let others write it for you. The second option is not bad is you are surrounded by people who actually care for you, but on the same hand an adopted dog's life is being controlled by it's loving owner. THe first option write your own story not only gives you the full power to live your life, it helps you to move forward and develop. Even if you don't have all the luxury in the world, all the fame and success, you will be happy because you know that you have chosen this part and you have fought through many battles, with others and yourself.

</ The Internet/>

I am not going to 'dis' internet, cause that is the only reason I am able to write the blog and my lovely fans (0 people) are able to read this. Internet is one of the prodigious things on this planet, I mean I can stream The Office and The Big Bang Theory online dude I am sold. The major reason this beautiful thing has started to govern all the major aspects of our lives is because we have given our life's remote to the internet. Internet has started to become negative because of us, we are giving internet the power to govern our emotions. Don't do that, do let others perception affect you and vice versa. Don't depend on it to feel happiness.


Happiness is one of the key aspects of your life, its different for each and every person on this planet. But relying on external factors for your happiness is same as handing your life to someone. The key to happiness is training your mind, if you prepare yourself to be alone with your thoughts control it then you will not only find happiness within yourself you will stay calm under pressure (like MSD, Mahi OP). It's okay to feel sad and cry that makes you human. As I wrote above that happiness is different for each and every person, for me being a psychiatrist to help my dumb and lovely friends brings me joy. Other than that 'NOSTALGIA' is the best way that you can be happy anytime even though you are dependent on your past, you experience joy which lightens your mood.

As I said before life is a story of all genres there are going to be many twists and turns, sometimes you would feel so low (eg- Breakup, result and etc) that you don't know what are you going to do. It's ok and perfectly normal to feel that, but you need get up fight again. A human's life is the best, because we have the ability to fall, adapt and overcome. You are given this opportunity to live don't waste it, live your life, be happy, take care of yourself and all the close people in your life.

---------------------------------------- ADIÓS-----------------------------------------

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